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Soles for Cardio 5K Walk/Run

5K Walk/Run to encourage healthy lifestyles for family and community. New this year 0.5K Wellness Walk for everyone to enjoy. Join us!

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Ride On: Tribute to Fallen Riders

Blaze through northeastern Michigan with other bikers to benefit the We Honor Veterans Program of Hospice of Helping Hands.

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Tee Off for Tolfree & Spirit of Scotty

41st annual Golf outing & 3rd annual Spirit of Scotty benefit for West Branch Regional Medical Center and Hospice of Helping Hands.

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Tolfree Bio Fest 2016

Explore nature and its wonders with scientists, students and community during a two day discovery and an adventure in biomimicry.

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Tolfree Foundation 

Touching lives . . . for a healthier tomorrow.

Mission Statement:

“To raise financial and volunteer support for the John Tolfree Health System and its health-care related affiliates to improve the quality of life and increase healthcare resources to Michigan’s northeastern communities”.

In 1992, the Tolfree Foundation was incorporated as the fundraising arm of the John Tolfree Health System.  Tolfree Foundation aids in gaining financial and volunteer support to construct new facilities, expand medical services and programs, as well as purchase needed equipment to maintain the medical service standards at West Branch Regional Medical Center (WBRMC). 

Through the generosity of many to the Tolfree Foundation, the state of the art medical center and services found at WBRMC have become a reality and continue to grow. Since its inception, The Tolfree Foundation has raised more than $4.2 million for important projects, including the construction of  the new hospital -- WBRMC, a state-of-the art Technology Pad, a Helipad for medical evacuation helicopters to land, a digital mammography system, a Cardio Stress System, an X-Ray machine for the Emergency room and multiple other capital equipment pieces.  However, the most recent addition to the John Tolfree Health System is the new Tolfree Wellness Park . . . a pledge to our community's health and wellness.

Recently, Tolfree Foundation’s Comfort, Safety, Care Campaign raised $57,000 to purchase 13 new Hill-Rom procedural stretchers for the hospital.  Tolfree Foundation is currently in the second stages of raising an additional $200,000 to furnish the 31 patient beds needing replacement at the hospital.    

Moreover, since 2005 through its four scholarship programs, the Tolfree Foundation has provided over $80,000 in scholarships for students pursuing healthcare careers in northeastern Michigan. Funding is also now being sought for the new Medical Student Grant Program. 

Every day miracles happen at our hospital…lives are saved, pain is relieved and spirits are mended. The compassion of our physicians, nurses and other medical professionals is beyond compare. We strive to maintain our facilities and provide cutting edge technology. The Foundation acts as a vital link between the hospital’s vision of excellence and its financial capacity to provide the best for the individuals we serve. Be assured, all financial contributions from individuals, organizations, and corporations are used to promote health, healing and wellness, to provide the latest in technology and to improve the quality of life for those living in our community.


There are many ways to donate to the Tolfree Foundation and to give the gift of health to those in need. Whether you donate through cash donations, trusts, wills, memorial or planned giving programs each gift is greatly appreciated and directly benefits people in need of assistance.

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