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Patient Billing and Insurance Information:

When you check in, the admitting staff will ask you for your drivers license or other photo ID and a copy of your insurance card(s). The admitting staff will scan your info into the system to ensure proper insurance information is obtained. If you do not have them with you, please have a family member or friend bring them to the admitting department and they will be scanned and returned.

You should familiarize yourself with the terms of your insurance coverage. If there is a question about your insurance coverage, please call the number listed on the back of your insurance card.

If you are a member of a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) or similar health plan...Your plan may have special requirements, such as a second surgical opinion or pre-certification for certain tests or procedures. It is your responsibility to make sure the requirements of your plan have been met. If your plan requirements are not followed, you may be financially responsible for all or part of the services rendered in the hospital. Also, please be aware that some physician specialists may not participate in your health care plan and their services may not be covered.

If you are covered by Medicare...
We need to copy your Medicare card to verify eligibility and process your Medicare claim. You should be aware that the Medicare program does not cover payment for certain items and services, such as cosmetic surgery, some dental surgery procedures, personal comfort items, hearing evaluations, and others. Deductibles and co-payments are also the responsibility of the patient.

If you are covered by Medicaid or a Medicaid Managed Plan...
We need to copy your Medicaid card. Medicaid also has payment limitations on a number of services and items. Pre-certification may be needed for certain tests. Medicaid does not pay for the cost of a private room.


If you have any further questions regarding your bill, contact us at (989) 343-3661.