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Diagnostic Imaging Services at West Branch Regional Medical Center

We determine the cause and appropriate action to take for your medical needs. 

The human body is a very complicated organism, and sometimes when something is wrong it is not obvious from the outside. In some instances, the only way to determine the cause, effect and cure for an ailment is to look inside the body through diagnostic imaging.

The diagnostic capabilities of West Branch Regional Medical Center include:

  • General Radiography (including Urography, Fluoroscopy, Myelography)
  • Ultrasound (Obstetrical, Abdominal, Pelvic, Small Parts and all
    Peripheral Vascular Studies including Venous and Arterial, Carotid Doppler)
  • 40- and 64-slice CT scanning
  • MRI
  • MRA
  • Bone Densitometry
  • Digital Mammography (including Wire Localization)
  • Cardiac Catheterization
  • Special Procedures, Angiography, Biopsies, Localizations, Drainages
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • NM Cardiac Stress Testing
  • PET/CT Scanning
  • Coronary CTA (Heart

If you or a loved one is experiencing an unknown ailment or symptom, contact the professionals at West Branch Regional Medical Center to find out what is right for you. Please call with any questions at (989) 343-3196.

If you have one of the following diagnostic imaging exams scheduled at WBRMC please click on the appropriate link for important pre-exam information:  MRI; PET/CT; Ultrasound; Myelogram; Nuclear Medicine;  Mammography; GI and IVP or CT.