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The Wound Care Center at West Branch Regional Medical Center
Improve your quality of life through hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Sometimes wounds do not respond appropriately to conventional treatments and a specialized approach is needed to improve the quality of life for a patient suffering from a chronic or non-healing wound. The Wound Care Center at West Branch Regional Medical Center offers state-of-the-art wound treatments including debridement, specialized wound dressings, compression therapy, bioengineered skin grafts, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, growth factors, and patient education. With these available options, those patients suffering from chronic wounds have a place to turn. The center is staffed with doctors, mid-level practitioners, nurses and therapists all trained in and dedicated to wound healing.
Chronic or non-healing wounds are generally caused by poor circulation, immobility or poorly functioning veins, and can significantly lower the quality of life of a patient. Typically, a chronic or non-healing wound can be considered a problem if the wound does not respond to normal medical treatments within 30 days. If such a wound persists without appropriate treatment, the risk of amputation is increased.
The most popular and effective chronic wound treatment is hyperbaric oxygen therapy, in which the afflicted patient breathes 100% oxygen inside a pressurized chamber. The inhalation of pure oxygen increases the concentration of oxygen in the bloodstream and quickly delivers it to the wound site for faster healing. In essence, this type of therapy helps to heal the wound from the inside out and tends to help reduce swelling, fight infection and build new blood vessels. In addition, hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps treat crush injuries, osteomyelitis, brown recluse spider bites, and diabetic wounds of the lower extremities.
West Branch Regional Medical Center is able to offer these specialized and effective treatments through a partnership with Healogics, the world’s leading wound care management company. Centers managed by Healogics maintain high limb salvage rates and a 91% healing rate within a 31 median days-to-heal, as well as impressively high patient satisfaction.
Wound Care Center at West Branch Regional Medical Center
335 E. Houghton Avenue
West Branch, MI 48661
(989) 343-3790
Hours: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday